- Search and generate reliable data sources
- Store and process the collected data
- Analyze the provided information in search patterns
The idea is to have a lot of high quality information to help us get better conclusions and therefore, make better decisions.
This revolution also has something to do with the agricultural sector. Every day there are more projects related to information management: remote sensing , sensor networks , digital field notebooks, etc. All these technologies are growing globally and it is important that we evolve our environment constantly.
If southern Europe is destined to be one of the world's most productive agricultural areas , it is imperative that these new technologies will help us be more efficient and be able to compete globally. For this reason, both public and private institutions as well as all sizes of producers join forces to generate value in the agricultural sector.
Speaking of value, it is important not to confuse the end users about these technologies. People often wonder, why is all this information of value to me? This question shows the lack of value on the proposals that technology companies are offering their customers. This happens when the focus is on product development at the expense of customer's development.
It is essential that the producers and the technology companies work more closely together to develop different skills and technologies, so that the offered value will be able to cover the real needs in short, medium and long term.
Lately, “Fog Computing” is commonly talked about, it is a concept aiming to speed up the information management preventing it from always passing through the cloud. Local decisions are made on the ground without the need of connecting to any server, that's why it is called "Fog Computing". This concept seems tailor-made for the agriculture sector and allows me to end this article with a reflection: the cloud is an essential tool for the future of farmers but we have to be careful not to give false hope to the clients.