The remote sensing, the digital field notebooks and the sensors for production management are clear commitments and more and more fields have them. But there are also other very innovative projects out of these technologies.
It is still very difficult to find companies that offer complete services of fertilization and of fertirrigation, and the reason is the difficulty of the part of the advisers to offer a quality service in such a complex matter and with great lack of precise tools.
In order to innovate in this line, there is the project of the company Fertiadvisor (www.fertiadvisor.com) who are successfully bringing the nursery technology to the fields. The irrigation, the fertilization and the combination of both are the expertise of the nurserymen and those who are better than them to transfer this technology to the field.
In the words of Fertiadvisor’s own founders, the professional agriculture must give way to science and sustainability, leaving the intuition in the background. In this sense, we believe that the success of a profitable farm lies in the technification, persistence, respect and the meticulousness.
Below, we show you the model of this innovative proposal:

From ModpoW, we are totally engaged with this type of projects which are based on the improvement of sustainable production of crops and we are already working closely with Fertiadvisor in order to offer our customers substantial improvements in this line.